International exhibitions

October 8 2021  - 9 January 2021

Martorell (Barcelona .Spain)


The Valencia Ciutat Vella Oberta Biennial, in its desire to promote and make visible the work of its artists in other exhibition spaces outside of Valencia, has achieved a collaboration agreement for the year 2021 at the Center Muxart, Espai d'Art i Creació Contemporanis de Martorell, Barcelona. This agreement contemplates the possibility of holding an Exhibition in the aforementioned Room. For this reason, I have been invited as an artist selected with an Honorable Mention at the CVO Biennial 2017 and / or 2019, to participate in this project The Biennial will also invite the artists of Martorell, selected by the Hall, to participate in our next edition 2021, with which the cultural exchange will be beneficial and enriching for everyone.


digital media      www.martorell

16 november 2021 - 9 january 2022

CCC Octubre Culture Contemporary Center 

Valencia, Spain


At second time was selected to represent to Mexico in the V Biennial of Valencia.

 The piece " Refuge" ( bronze) participate in the collective exhibition in the CCC Octubre Culture Contemporary Center.


digital media      https.//





Thursday to Saturday 11-2 & 4-8pm

*Art collectors by appointment 


Google maps Oliver Martinez Art Studio

Street 49 #521 A  x 66 & 68 , Downtown 

Merida , Yucatan. México 

Barrio de Santa Ana  

In the art studio, the visitor will be able to get to know the current work that I am developing about Mérida with weaving techniques. You will also be able to see some artist's diaries, sketches, preliminary projects, models, documentaries and work made during the first years of experimentation. It will be the 


First time that visitors will be able to explore more than 25 years of artistic evolution directly from the artist in the same space.